It is so easy to become distracted these days. Television,
with hundreds of channels to choose from not to mention the newest additions to
the boob tube the streaming player. This little gadget adds the possibility of
hundreds of different channels to watch hundreds of different movies and
television shows from the past. Then there
is the internet. Social networking sites, news, weather, another outlet for
television. Yes, the internet can be used for good, for research, but it is so
easy to become distracted and slip into a gaming site.
Even as I sit here and write about distraction, a little
green line appears under one of my sentences and distracts me. I try and ignore
it, promising myself I can check into what this dreaded computer’s problem is
when I finally get my point down on this virtual piece of paper, but, no, I can’t
do it. I have to see what this silicon genius has to say. Slide the cursor,
right click, fragment.
Fragment. Argh, it did it again! Fragment. Well, honestly I
don’t care if that particular sentence is a fragment. Fragmented sentences are
a part of me. Sometimes I am a fragment. Sometimes my thoughts are fragments
and that is what I wanted to impress upon my reader at the time.
Someday, computers will learn personalities of their users
and accept the fact that sometimes grammatical errors, errors of other kinds,
happen accidentally and sometimes on purpose. Of course, that may be impossible
for a computer to actually understand that kind of a concept as, don’t they
say, computers can only do as their programmer tells them to do when they are ‘born’.
And many humans don’t even understand personalities.
Yes! I understand distractions! I got here because I was cleaning up "Tab" holdings....Saw HMDH, had not looked in a while, so....need I say more???I got distracted.